Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Weird Tract Number 129: Oversized 1964 Version of "This Was Your Life" by Jack Chick (Distributed by Rushtoi Publications)

 Troy Davis writes:

oversized this was your life chick

I paid a lot of money for this relatively rare tract. When a friend questioned my judgement, I responded that I paid relatively little for my extensive Chick-related collection (some items, such as this signed original art by Jack Chick I received for free). 

Before Jack Chick started the pocket-sized tract format, he wrote booklets that were relatively expensive to print (here I discuss the dynamics behind Chick's move to the smaller-sized tracts). The 1964 version of TWYL measures approximately 5.25" by 3.5".

Chick used small Christian publisher Ralph Rushtoi to print and distribute the tract. Here is a discussion of Rusthoi's influence on Chick and other tract writers. 

"This Was Your Life" is Chick Publications' most popular title.  The 1964 version is the same story though Chick redid the art when he decided to do a smaller version (see below). 

NOTES ON JACK CHICK: In my introductory post, I listed just a few of the many rare and valuable objects from The Museum's extensive Chick-related collection . . . The role of Ralph Rushtoi in the publishing careers of both Jack Chick and another comics-based tract writer Vic Lockman. . . I discuss the role of Bill Bright's prolific tract The Four Spiritual Laws in leading to a format change in Chick tracts that was a key reason why they have become much more popular since the late 1960s . . . My thoughts on Jack Chick's spreading of the peace symbol/broken cross mythology . . .  Jack Chick's retro-futuristic car in the scarce 48-page version of "The Beast" . . . Chick tract parody "Constitutional Rites" . . .Jack Chick's cold war tract "Ivan The Terrible" . . . Article on Chick by fellow Catholic-baiting Bob Jones University magazine . . .Catholic-bashing tract by Chick's protege Alberto Rivera . . . Knock-off of a Chick tract by James Lloyd:"Left Behind" . . . Chick tract parody "Donald Trump Is The Antichrist; Prepare for the Rapture!" . . . The extremely rare 1970 Chick tract "Operation Somebody Cares" . . .The rare Chick Publications comic book "Jonah" by Chick and Fred Carter . . . The museum's prized cultural artifact, original art by Jack Chick . . .  The museum's collection of Jack Chick's high school yearbooks . . . An appreciation of the deranged nature of the original 1972 version of the Chick tract "The Last Generation"

The Museum of Weird and Demented Religious Tracts is a project of Les Zazous Postmodern Art Galley of Bellaire, Ohio. Read the Welcome Statement of The Museum here.

For more on the gallery, check out the web site here and the gallery's Twitter handle is @ZazousLes.  The Twitter handle for the museum is @WeirdTracts

The index of tracts for the museum's website is here

Contributions of weird tracts to the museum can be made by mail: send your weird tracts to Les Zazous Postmodern Art Gallery 3475 Guernsey Street, Bellaire, Ohio 43906.



Sunday, February 7, 2021

Index of the Website of The Museum of Weird and Demented Religious Tracts


Weird Tract Number 1: "The Story of Dick, Jane, and Sally" by Victory Christian Center

Weird Religious Tract Number 2: "Strange Events Forecast for 1982" 

Weird Religious Tract Number 3: Jack Chick's The Beast (48-page oversized version with Retro-Futuristic Car)

Weird Religious Tract Number 4: "Christian Rock Exposed" by Terry Watkins for Dial-The-Truth Ministries

Weird Religious Tract Number 5: "The Crazy Crusader: Don Quixote, Man of La Mancha" by David Berg of The Children of God

Weird Religious Tract Number 6: "FLYING SAUCERS" by The Laymen's Home Missionary Movement

Weird Religious Tract Number 7: "Hooked For Good: The True Story of Sammy Hall" by Life Messengers

Weird Religious Tract Number 8: "Peace" by "Teen Challenge Institute of Missions"

Weird Religious Tract Number 9: "Good News" by Campus Crusade for Christ

The Ralph Rusthoi Connection

Weird Religious Tract Number 10: "The Hoax of Learning and Behavior Disorders" by the Church of Scientology

Weird Religious Tract Number 11: "The Atheist Test" by Living Waters Publications

Weird Religious Tract Number 12: "Courtship and the Dangers of Petting" by John R. Rice

Weird Religious Tract Number 13: "What To Do In Case You Miss The Rapture" by The Bible Baptist Church

Weird Religious Tract Number 14: "Superman Returns!" by Jews For Jesus

Weird Religious Tract Number 15: The Overcomer Newsletter by "Brother" Ralph Stair

Weird Religious Tract Number 16: "Foolish Professors" by Peter S. Ruckman

Weird Religious Tract Number 17: "I Discovered The Real Person and Power Behind Witchcraft" by Life Messengers

Weird Tract Number 18: "The Four Spiritual Laws?" by Bill Bright of the Campus Crusade for Christ

Weird Tract Number 19: "Earth According to the Word of God" by an Anonymous Flat Earther

Weird Tract Number 20: "Terri Schiavo Says Let Me Live" by Tony Alamo

Weird Tract Number 21: "Witchdoctor's Dilemma" by Arthur Dodzweit 

Weird Tract Number 22: "Want To See Something Nasty?" by The Bible Baptist Bookstore

Weird Tract Number 23: "Glory In The Cross" by Saints Alive in Jesus

Weird Tract Number 24: "Power For Living" by Jamie Buckingham

Weird Tract Number 25: "The Computers Are Coming!" by Dr. David F. Webber and Noah Hutchings

Weird Tract Number 26: "Walter Reuther Package`` by Billy James Hargis

Weird Tract Number 27: "THE LORD KILLS--REPENT!" by Darwin Fish of A True Church

Weird Tract Number 28: "Games Satan Plays" by Stan Baldwin

Weird Tract Number 29: "You Will Take Time to Die" by The Lord's House

Weird Tract Number 30: "Satan's Bid For Your Child" by Jack Hyles

Weird Tract Number 31: "Receiving Your Miracle Through Seed-Faith Partnership With God" by Oral Roberts

Weird Tract Number 32: "A Firewalker Finds Christ" by World Missionary Evangelism

Weird Tract Number 33: Texe Marrs' Newsletter

Weird Tract Number 34: "He Lived Life In The Fastlane Until . . ." by Dave Spurgeon

Weird Tract Number 35: "Warning: 666 Is Coming!" by Dr. Terry Watkins

Weird Tract Number 36: "Never Receive 666, The Mark of The Beast" by Anonymous

Weird Tract Number 37: "88 Reasons Why The Rapture Is In 1988" by Edgar C. Whisenant

Weird Tract Number 38: "The Spiritual State of the Union '93" by D. James Kennedy

Weird Tract Number 39: "A Tribulation Map: An Explanation For Those Who Miss The Rapture" by Leon Bates

Artifact in The Museum of Weird and Demented Religious Tracts: Spire Christian Comics Spinner rack

Weird Tract Number 40: "Was God An Astronaut?" by Walter Lang with art by Vic Lockman

Weird Tract Number 41: "Confused" by ArkWork Publications 

Weird Tract Number 42: "An Officer and a Gentleman: The Christian Character of Robert E. Lee" by James L. Melton

Weird Tract Number 43: "Run Baby Run: The True Story of Nicky Cruz" by Logos International (adaptation by Tony Tallarico)

Weird Tract Number 44: "Rise of Satanism" by Terry Watkins

Weird Tract Number 45: "Eternity" by Tract Evangelistic Crusade

Weird Tract Number 46: "Are You Descended From A Monkey?" by Eric Jansen

Weird Tract Number 47: "The Lonely Cabin on the 40-Mile" by Life Messengers

Weird Tract Number 48: "The Dark Side of Halloween" by Anonymous

Weird Tract Number 49: "Beer Has It All!" by Dr. Paul Heaton of Bible Baptist Church

Weird Tract Number 50: "RATS IN THE BEER VATS" by Osterhus Publishing House (SPRING BREAK SPECIAL)

Weird Tract Number 51: "Youth & Marijuana" by Peter C. Moore

Weird Tract Number 52: "World-Famed Economists Forecast DOOM!" by Moses David

The Museum's Our Lady of Guadalupe Restoration Project

Weird Tract Number 53: "Questions For Your Temple Tour" by Saints Alive in Jesus

Weird Tract Number 54" "The King's Insurance" by The Faith, Prayer, and Tract League

Weird Tract Number 55: "The 2 Crosses" by W.G. McCartney

Weird Tract Number 56: "God Pronounces Judgement of America" by God (through R.G. Hardy)

Weird Tract Number 57: "Ivan The Terrible" by Jack T. Chick

Weird Tract Number 58: "How Big is God?" by Oral Roberts

Weird Tract Number 59: "Jesus Loves You So Much It Hurts" by Gospel Tract Society

Weird Tract Number 60: "A Letter From HELL (A Message to Christians)" by Book Fellowship International

Weird Tract Number 61: "God's Plan for Roman Catholics" by Alberto Rivera

Weird Tract Number 62: "What Is Satanism?" by Satanic Bay Area

Weird Tract Number 63: "Their Peace Symbol - 'The Broken Cross'" by The Network of Patriotic Letter Writers

Artwork from The Museum's Collection: "La Nueva Jerusalen"

Weird Tract Number 64: "Left Behind?" by James Lloyd of Christian Media

Weird Tract Number 65: "Heavenly Homes" by Moses David (David Berg) of The Children of God

Weird Tract Number 66: "The Baptism of The Holy Spirit: TONGUES And The Charismatic Movement by Jack Van Impe

Weird Tract Number 67: "The Facts on the New Age Movement" by John Ankerberg and John Weldon

Weird Tract Number 68: Collegiate Challenge Magazine, Fall 1973 by Campus Crusade for Christ

Weird Tract Number 69: "The Taming of Television" by Dr. Hugh Pyles

Weird Tract Number 70: "Creation and the Virgin Birth" by Henry M. Morris of The Institute for Creation Research

Weird Tract Number 71: "The Rapture: in the twinkling of an eye" by Eugene Turner 

Weird Tract Number 72: "If You Like Harry Potter, Have We Got a Book for You . . ." by Jews for Jesus

Weird Tract Number 73: "The Truth About Drugs" by The Foundation for a Drug-Free World (Scientology front group)

Weird Tract Number 74: "WWJD: Who Would Jesus Destroy?" by PinPoint Evangelism

Weird Tract Number 75: "World's Deadliest Drug" by "Dr." Terry Watkins

Weird Tract Number 76: "Jesus Failed" by The True Bible Church

Weird Tract Number 77: "Constitutional Rites" by Satanic Bay Area

Weird Tract Number 78: ""Donald Trump Is The Antichrist: Prepare For The Rapture!" by Troy Davis of CultJam Productions

Weird Religious Sculpture: Triple-Decker Nativity Scene by Jaimy

Weird Tract Number 79: "Who's Calling The Shots?" by Vic Lockman

Weird Tract Number 80: Chalcedon Report No. 351 (October 1994) by the Chalcedon Foundation

From The Collection of The Museum of Weird and Demented Religious Tracts:Moral Majority Report Paperweight

Weird Tract Number 81: "The Last Generation" by Chick Publications (1972 version)

Weird Tract Number 82: "Faith For The Family" Magazine March 1983 by Bob Jones University

Weird Tract Number 83: "Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk" by Maria Monk (published by The Patriotic Defense League)

Museum Artifact: Hot Chicks Movie Preview Card 2006

Museum Artifact: 1996-1997 Liberty University Admissions Application Package

Weird Tract Number 84: "The Pope's Secrets" by Tony Alamo

Weird Tract Number 85: Untitled Anti-Alcohol Tract from Churches of Christ Temperance Committee

Museum Artifact: Stage Pass for Whitney Houston Performance at "Blessing '97" (Moonie Mass Wedding)

Weird Tract Number 86: "Ronny Reb!" by Life Messengers of Seattle

Museum Artifact: Bilingual Dianetics Personality Test Invitation Card

Weird Tract Number 87: "The Mini-Skirt Speaks" by Don W. Hillis (Pilgrim Tract Society)

Weird Tract Number 88: L Ron Hubbard Life Exhibition Magazine and Exhibition Ticket (both circa 2000) 

Weird Tract Number 89: "1998 Christian Coalition California Voter Guide" by The Christian Coalition

Weird Tract Number 90: "The Devil's Alphabet" by Kurt E. Koch

Weird Tract Number 91: "Operation Somebody Cares" by Jack Chick of Chick Publications

Weird Tract Number 92: "How About This? 666" by Tract Evangelistic Crusade

Weird Tract Number 93: "What Is Your Life Story?" by Operation Somebody Cares

Weird Tract Number 94: "The Beginning of The End" by Jr. Mata (Pilgrim Tract Society)

Weird Tract Number 95: "Coronavirus COVID-19: What Do I Do?" by Bible Tracts, Inc.

Weird Tract Number 96: "The Lonely Cabin On The Forty-Mile" by Charles S. Price (Pilgrim Tract Society)

Weird Tract Number 97: Mythos #2 (The Elder Gods of the Witches Vs. Satan) by The Church of All Worlds

Weird Tract Number 98: "Mark of The Beast: RFID" by Anonymous 

Weird Tract Number 99: "Operation Rescue" by Randall Terry (signed by the author)

Weird Tract Number 100: "Hippie, Come Home!" by Vic Lockman (Rusthoi Publications)

Weird Tract Number 101: "Broadway or Narrow Way: Which Are You Traveling? by L.E. Singer

Weird Tract Number 102: "Eternal Damnation or Eternal Life" by Anonymous

Weird Tract Number 103: "The Secret Terrorists" by Bill Hughes of Truth Triumphant Ministries

Weird Tract Number 104: "WARNING: Citizens of Earth" by Anonymous

Weird Tract Number 105: "Jonah" by Jack Chick and Fred Carter.

Weird Tract Number 106: "666 and Counting" by David F Webber (Tract Evangelistic Crusade)

"Jack T. Chick Hanged Santa Original Art": Cultural Artifact from The Museum of Weird and Demented Religious Tracts

Weird Tract Number 107: "The Wages of Sin" Funny Money (distributed by Pilgrim Tract Society

Weird Tract Number 108: "Survival Instructions" by Leon Bates

Weird Tract Number 109: Oral Roberts Anointing Oil Card

Weird Tract Number 110: "The Bible Versus The Evil in Freemasonry" by Evangelist Robert Lee Hampton

Weird Tract Number 111: "What's Wrong With Petting[?]" by Anonymous

Weird Tract Number 112: "The Christian Cross, Not the anti-Christ 'broken cross'" by the Tract Evangelistic Crusade

Weird Tract Number 113: "Two of a Kind" by Dr. Bill Rice for Life Messengers

Weird Tract Number 114: "End Time Rhyme" by David "The Crazy Prophet" (David Berg of The Children of God)

Weird Tract Number 115: "Archie's Parables" by Spire Christian Comics

Weird Tract 116: "What God Thinks of Santa Claus" by Anonymous

Weird Tract Number 117: "Utopia 2: Blueprint for Heaven on Earth." Winter 1998. by The Keristans

Weird Tract Number 118: Hal Lindsey's There's A New World Coming" from Barbour Christian Comics (originally Spire) 

Weird Tract Number 119: "The Devil's Vision" by Rev. John C. Woodward

Weird Tract Number 120: "WWJD: Who Would Jesus Damn?" by Eternal Evangelism

Weird Tract Number 121: "Have You Been Brainwashed About Ape-Men?" by Walter Lang and Vic Lockman

Artifacts from the Museum's Collection: Jack Chick's High School Yearbooks

Weird Tract Number 122: "Teenagers Talk . . . Wild Oats and Harvest" by Haun Publishing Company

Weird Tract Number 123: "Act Now To Stop Obama's Nazi Health Plan!" by the Lyndon LaRouche PAC

Weird Tract Number 124: "Closet Witches" by Jack T. Chick (Interview with Defrocked Physician Rebecca Brown and "Elaine")

Weird Tract Number 125: "Liquor Is The Enemy of Body and Soul" by Cyrus Osterhus

Museum Artifact: 1983 Moral Majority Coin Set in a Velvet Box

Museum Artifact: Mormon Temple Garments

Weird Tract Number 126: "Christmas/Xmas" by Hubert Hotchkiss

Weird Tract Number 127: "Talking to Himself in Hell" by D.M. Fletcher

Weird Tract Number 128: "LONG HAIR: Did Jesus War It?" by Dr. Hal Webb

Weird Tract Number 129: Oversized 1964 Version of "This Was Your Life" by Jack Chick (Distributed by Rushtoi Publications)

Weird Tract NChick Publications' The Light Of The World Bible Tract Series: An Almost-Forgotten Projectumber 130: "Trip Pass From Earth to Heaven" by The Pilgrim Tract Society

Weird Tract Number 131: "The Beatles: A Study in Drugs, Sex, and Revolution" by David Noebel of The Christian Crusade

Chick Publications' The Light Of The World Bible Tract Series: An Almost-Forgotten Project

Weird Tract Number 132: "Link Lizard Defeats Evolution" by Vic Lockman

Chick Tracts Parody Page

Weird Tract Number 142: "Mark of the Beast" by Anonymous

Troy Davis writes: "Mark of the Beast is an anonymous, undated four-page pamphlet promoting the Catholic-baiting book by Seventh Day Ad...