Sunday, February 7, 2021

Index of the Website of The Museum of Weird and Demented Religious Tracts


Weird Tract Number 1: "The Story of Dick, Jane, and Sally" by Victory Christian Center

Weird Religious Tract Number 2: "Strange Events Forecast for 1982" 

Weird Religious Tract Number 3: Jack Chick's The Beast (48-page oversized version with Retro-Futuristic Car)

Weird Religious Tract Number 4: "Christian Rock Exposed" by Terry Watkins for Dial-The-Truth Ministries

Weird Religious Tract Number 5: "The Crazy Crusader: Don Quixote, Man of La Mancha" by David Berg of The Children of God

Weird Religious Tract Number 6: "FLYING SAUCERS" by The Laymen's Home Missionary Movement

Weird Religious Tract Number 7: "Hooked For Good: The True Story of Sammy Hall" by Life Messengers

Weird Religious Tract Number 8: "Peace" by "Teen Challenge Institute of Missions"

Weird Religious Tract Number 9: "Good News" by Campus Crusade for Christ

The Ralph Rusthoi Connection

Weird Religious Tract Number 10: "The Hoax of Learning and Behavior Disorders" by the Church of Scientology

Weird Religious Tract Number 11: "The Atheist Test" by Living Waters Publications

Weird Religious Tract Number 12: "Courtship and the Dangers of Petting" by John R. Rice

Weird Religious Tract Number 13: "What To Do In Case You Miss The Rapture" by The Bible Baptist Church

Weird Religious Tract Number 14: "Superman Returns!" by Jews For Jesus

Weird Religious Tract Number 15: The Overcomer Newsletter by "Brother" Ralph Stair

Weird Religious Tract Number 16: "Foolish Professors" by Peter S. Ruckman

Weird Religious Tract Number 17: "I Discovered The Real Person and Power Behind Witchcraft" by Life Messengers

Weird Tract Number 18: "The Four Spiritual Laws?" by Bill Bright of the Campus Crusade for Christ

Weird Tract Number 19: "Earth According to the Word of God" by an Anonymous Flat Earther

Weird Tract Number 20: "Terri Schiavo Says Let Me Live" by Tony Alamo

Weird Tract Number 21: "Witchdoctor's Dilemma" by Arthur Dodzweit 

Weird Tract Number 22: "Want To See Something Nasty?" by The Bible Baptist Bookstore

Weird Tract Number 23: "Glory In The Cross" by Saints Alive in Jesus

Weird Tract Number 24: "Power For Living" by Jamie Buckingham

Weird Tract Number 25: "The Computers Are Coming!" by Dr. David F. Webber and Noah Hutchings

Weird Tract Number 26: "Walter Reuther Package`` by Billy James Hargis

Weird Tract Number 27: "THE LORD KILLS--REPENT!" by Darwin Fish of A True Church

Weird Tract Number 28: "Games Satan Plays" by Stan Baldwin

Weird Tract Number 29: "You Will Take Time to Die" by The Lord's House

Weird Tract Number 30: "Satan's Bid For Your Child" by Jack Hyles

Weird Tract Number 31: "Receiving Your Miracle Through Seed-Faith Partnership With God" by Oral Roberts

Weird Tract Number 32: "A Firewalker Finds Christ" by World Missionary Evangelism

Weird Tract Number 33: Texe Marrs' Newsletter

Weird Tract Number 34: "He Lived Life In The Fastlane Until . . ." by Dave Spurgeon

Weird Tract Number 35: "Warning: 666 Is Coming!" by Dr. Terry Watkins

Weird Tract Number 36: "Never Receive 666, The Mark of The Beast" by Anonymous

Weird Tract Number 37: "88 Reasons Why The Rapture Is In 1988" by Edgar C. Whisenant

Weird Tract Number 38: "The Spiritual State of the Union '93" by D. James Kennedy

Weird Tract Number 39: "A Tribulation Map: An Explanation For Those Who Miss The Rapture" by Leon Bates

Artifact in The Museum of Weird and Demented Religious Tracts: Spire Christian Comics Spinner rack

Weird Tract Number 40: "Was God An Astronaut?" by Walter Lang with art by Vic Lockman

Weird Tract Number 41: "Confused" by ArkWork Publications 

Weird Tract Number 42: "An Officer and a Gentleman: The Christian Character of Robert E. Lee" by James L. Melton

Weird Tract Number 43: "Run Baby Run: The True Story of Nicky Cruz" by Logos International (adaptation by Tony Tallarico)

Weird Tract Number 44: "Rise of Satanism" by Terry Watkins

Weird Tract Number 45: "Eternity" by Tract Evangelistic Crusade

Weird Tract Number 46: "Are You Descended From A Monkey?" by Eric Jansen

Weird Tract Number 47: "The Lonely Cabin on the 40-Mile" by Life Messengers

Weird Tract Number 48: "The Dark Side of Halloween" by Anonymous

Weird Tract Number 49: "Beer Has It All!" by Dr. Paul Heaton of Bible Baptist Church

Weird Tract Number 50: "RATS IN THE BEER VATS" by Osterhus Publishing House (SPRING BREAK SPECIAL)

Weird Tract Number 51: "Youth & Marijuana" by Peter C. Moore

Weird Tract Number 52: "World-Famed Economists Forecast DOOM!" by Moses David

The Museum's Our Lady of Guadalupe Restoration Project

Weird Tract Number 53: "Questions For Your Temple Tour" by Saints Alive in Jesus

Weird Tract Number 54" "The King's Insurance" by The Faith, Prayer, and Tract League

Weird Tract Number 55: "The 2 Crosses" by W.G. McCartney

Weird Tract Number 56: "God Pronounces Judgement of America" by God (through R.G. Hardy)

Weird Tract Number 57: "Ivan The Terrible" by Jack T. Chick

Weird Tract Number 58: "How Big is God?" by Oral Roberts

Weird Tract Number 59: "Jesus Loves You So Much It Hurts" by Gospel Tract Society

Weird Tract Number 60: "A Letter From HELL (A Message to Christians)" by Book Fellowship International

Weird Tract Number 61: "God's Plan for Roman Catholics" by Alberto Rivera

Weird Tract Number 62: "What Is Satanism?" by Satanic Bay Area

Weird Tract Number 63: "Their Peace Symbol - 'The Broken Cross'" by The Network of Patriotic Letter Writers

Artwork from The Museum's Collection: "La Nueva Jerusalen"

Weird Tract Number 64: "Left Behind?" by James Lloyd of Christian Media

Weird Tract Number 65: "Heavenly Homes" by Moses David (David Berg) of The Children of God

Weird Tract Number 66: "The Baptism of The Holy Spirit: TONGUES And The Charismatic Movement by Jack Van Impe

Weird Tract Number 67: "The Facts on the New Age Movement" by John Ankerberg and John Weldon

Weird Tract Number 68: Collegiate Challenge Magazine, Fall 1973 by Campus Crusade for Christ

Weird Tract Number 69: "The Taming of Television" by Dr. Hugh Pyles

Weird Tract Number 70: "Creation and the Virgin Birth" by Henry M. Morris of The Institute for Creation Research

Weird Tract Number 71: "The Rapture: in the twinkling of an eye" by Eugene Turner 

Weird Tract Number 72: "If You Like Harry Potter, Have We Got a Book for You . . ." by Jews for Jesus

Weird Tract Number 73: "The Truth About Drugs" by The Foundation for a Drug-Free World (Scientology front group)

Weird Tract Number 74: "WWJD: Who Would Jesus Destroy?" by PinPoint Evangelism

Weird Tract Number 75: "World's Deadliest Drug" by "Dr." Terry Watkins

Weird Tract Number 76: "Jesus Failed" by The True Bible Church

Weird Tract Number 77: "Constitutional Rites" by Satanic Bay Area

Weird Tract Number 78: ""Donald Trump Is The Antichrist: Prepare For The Rapture!" by Troy Davis of CultJam Productions

Weird Religious Sculpture: Triple-Decker Nativity Scene by Jaimy

Weird Tract Number 79: "Who's Calling The Shots?" by Vic Lockman

Weird Tract Number 80: Chalcedon Report No. 351 (October 1994) by the Chalcedon Foundation

From The Collection of The Museum of Weird and Demented Religious Tracts:Moral Majority Report Paperweight

Weird Tract Number 81: "The Last Generation" by Chick Publications (1972 version)

Weird Tract Number 82: "Faith For The Family" Magazine March 1983 by Bob Jones University

Weird Tract Number 83: "Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk" by Maria Monk (published by The Patriotic Defense League)

Museum Artifact: Hot Chicks Movie Preview Card 2006

Museum Artifact: 1996-1997 Liberty University Admissions Application Package

Weird Tract Number 84: "The Pope's Secrets" by Tony Alamo

Weird Tract Number 85: Untitled Anti-Alcohol Tract from Churches of Christ Temperance Committee

Museum Artifact: Stage Pass for Whitney Houston Performance at "Blessing '97" (Moonie Mass Wedding)

Weird Tract Number 86: "Ronny Reb!" by Life Messengers of Seattle

Museum Artifact: Bilingual Dianetics Personality Test Invitation Card

Weird Tract Number 87: "The Mini-Skirt Speaks" by Don W. Hillis (Pilgrim Tract Society)

Weird Tract Number 88: L Ron Hubbard Life Exhibition Magazine and Exhibition Ticket (both circa 2000) 

Weird Tract Number 89: "1998 Christian Coalition California Voter Guide" by The Christian Coalition

Weird Tract Number 90: "The Devil's Alphabet" by Kurt E. Koch

Weird Tract Number 91: "Operation Somebody Cares" by Jack Chick of Chick Publications

Weird Tract Number 92: "How About This? 666" by Tract Evangelistic Crusade

Weird Tract Number 93: "What Is Your Life Story?" by Operation Somebody Cares

Weird Tract Number 94: "The Beginning of The End" by Jr. Mata (Pilgrim Tract Society)

Weird Tract Number 95: "Coronavirus COVID-19: What Do I Do?" by Bible Tracts, Inc.

Weird Tract Number 96: "The Lonely Cabin On The Forty-Mile" by Charles S. Price (Pilgrim Tract Society)

Weird Tract Number 97: Mythos #2 (The Elder Gods of the Witches Vs. Satan) by The Church of All Worlds

Weird Tract Number 98: "Mark of The Beast: RFID" by Anonymous 

Weird Tract Number 99: "Operation Rescue" by Randall Terry (signed by the author)

Weird Tract Number 100: "Hippie, Come Home!" by Vic Lockman (Rusthoi Publications)

Weird Tract Number 101: "Broadway or Narrow Way: Which Are You Traveling? by L.E. Singer

Weird Tract Number 102: "Eternal Damnation or Eternal Life" by Anonymous

Weird Tract Number 103: "The Secret Terrorists" by Bill Hughes of Truth Triumphant Ministries

Weird Tract Number 104: "WARNING: Citizens of Earth" by Anonymous

Weird Tract Number 105: "Jonah" by Jack Chick and Fred Carter.

Weird Tract Number 106: "666 and Counting" by David F Webber (Tract Evangelistic Crusade)

"Jack T. Chick Hanged Santa Original Art": Cultural Artifact from The Museum of Weird and Demented Religious Tracts

Weird Tract Number 107: "The Wages of Sin" Funny Money (distributed by Pilgrim Tract Society

Weird Tract Number 108: "Survival Instructions" by Leon Bates

Weird Tract Number 109: Oral Roberts Anointing Oil Card

Weird Tract Number 110: "The Bible Versus The Evil in Freemasonry" by Evangelist Robert Lee Hampton

Weird Tract Number 111: "What's Wrong With Petting[?]" by Anonymous

Weird Tract Number 112: "The Christian Cross, Not the anti-Christ 'broken cross'" by the Tract Evangelistic Crusade

Weird Tract Number 113: "Two of a Kind" by Dr. Bill Rice for Life Messengers

Weird Tract Number 114: "End Time Rhyme" by David "The Crazy Prophet" (David Berg of The Children of God)

Weird Tract Number 115: "Archie's Parables" by Spire Christian Comics

Weird Tract 116: "What God Thinks of Santa Claus" by Anonymous

Weird Tract Number 117: "Utopia 2: Blueprint for Heaven on Earth." Winter 1998. by The Keristans

Weird Tract Number 118: Hal Lindsey's There's A New World Coming" from Barbour Christian Comics (originally Spire) 

Weird Tract Number 119: "The Devil's Vision" by Rev. John C. Woodward

Weird Tract Number 120: "WWJD: Who Would Jesus Damn?" by Eternal Evangelism

Weird Tract Number 121: "Have You Been Brainwashed About Ape-Men?" by Walter Lang and Vic Lockman

Artifacts from the Museum's Collection: Jack Chick's High School Yearbooks

Weird Tract Number 122: "Teenagers Talk . . . Wild Oats and Harvest" by Haun Publishing Company

Weird Tract Number 123: "Act Now To Stop Obama's Nazi Health Plan!" by the Lyndon LaRouche PAC

Weird Tract Number 124: "Closet Witches" by Jack T. Chick (Interview with Defrocked Physician Rebecca Brown and "Elaine")

Weird Tract Number 125: "Liquor Is The Enemy of Body and Soul" by Cyrus Osterhus

Museum Artifact: 1983 Moral Majority Coin Set in a Velvet Box

Museum Artifact: Mormon Temple Garments

Weird Tract Number 126: "Christmas/Xmas" by Hubert Hotchkiss

Weird Tract Number 127: "Talking to Himself in Hell" by D.M. Fletcher

Weird Tract Number 128: "LONG HAIR: Did Jesus War It?" by Dr. Hal Webb

Weird Tract Number 129: Oversized 1964 Version of "This Was Your Life" by Jack Chick (Distributed by Rushtoi Publications)

Weird Tract NChick Publications' The Light Of The World Bible Tract Series: An Almost-Forgotten Projectumber 130: "Trip Pass From Earth to Heaven" by The Pilgrim Tract Society

Weird Tract Number 131: "The Beatles: A Study in Drugs, Sex, and Revolution" by David Noebel of The Christian Crusade

Chick Publications' The Light Of The World Bible Tract Series: An Almost-Forgotten Project

Weird Tract Number 132: "Link Lizard Defeats Evolution" by Vic Lockman

Chick Tracts Parody Page

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