Sunday, April 7, 2019

Weird Tract Number 58: "How Big is God?" by Oral Roberts

Troy Davis writes:

I previously wrote about Oral Roberts and his self-serving "seed-faith" theology when discussing the museum's booklet by Roberts on the subject. This three-page ho-hum tract by Roberts is mentioned only because of its great cover graphics. It can be summed up with the following shopworn platitudes: 1) God is the source of all power; 2) God is bigger than your afflictions and problems (this is a key component of Roberts' supercilious "health-and-wealth" gospel); 3) Roberts wants the reader to embrace a "bigger God."

Note: Roberts' first name has been the subject of a number of juvenile jokes; here are some Oral Roberts jokes by professional comedians.

The Museum of Weird and Demented Religious Tracts is a project of Les Zazous Postmodern Art Galley of Bellaire, Ohio. Read the Welcome Statement of The Museum here.

For more on the gallery, check out the web site here and the gallery's Twitter handle is @ZazousLes.  The Twitter handle for the museum is @WeirdTracts

The index of tracts for the museum's website is here

Contributions of weird tracts to the museum can be made by mail: send your weird tracts to Les Zazous Postmodern Art Gallery 3475 Guernsey Street, Bellaire, Ohio 43906.

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