Saturday, April 24, 2021

Weird Tract Number 132: "Link Lizard Defeats Evolution" by Vic Lockman

 Troy Davis writes:

As I previously noted, Vic Lockman (1927-2017) was probably the most prolific conventional comic book artists of all time (mostly of the funny animal genre) and he still had time to draw religious and reactionary political comics. This 26-page comic booklet from 1968 is similar in plot to a more well-known creationist comic book: Jack Chick's "Big Daddy?"; in both, a wise young creationist shows a credentialed scientist the errors of his evolutionary ways. Little Lori shows Dr. Nozit that creationism is the Way of Christ; the scientist then has a born again experience. 

NOTES ON VIC LOCKMAN:  This article looks at the role of long-forgotten publisher Ralph Rusthoi on the tract-publishing of Lockman and Jack Chick . . . In the 1970s, Lockman and Walter Lang take on ancient astronaut theorist Erich Von Däniken in the tract "Was God an Astronaut?" . . . Lockman goes into Bircher mode with the tract "Who's Calling The Shots?" . . . The museum featured Lockman's anti-counterculture tract Hippie Come Home. Read it here. . .Lockman's tract, "Have You Been Brainwashed by Ape-Men?" . . . Lockman's work in the context of Jack Chick's mentioned on the Chick Tract Parody Page

The Museum of Weird and Demented Religious Tracts is a project of Les Zazous Postmodern Art Galley of Bellaire, Ohio. Read the Welcome Statement of The Museum here.

For more on the gallery, check out the web site here and the gallery's Twitter handle is @ZazousLes.  The Twitter handle for the museum is @WeirdTracts

The index of tracts for the museum's website is here

Contributions of weird tracts to the museum can be made by mail: send your weird tracts to Les Zazous Postmodern Art Gallery 3475 Guernsey Street, Bellaire, Ohio 43906.

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