Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Weird Religious Tract Number 10: "The Hoax of Learning and Behavior Disorders" by the Church of Scientology

Troy Davis writes:

This tract, put out by the Scientology front group the Citizens Commission on Human Rights International, is a screed against the use of stimulants like Ritalin and Adderall for the treatment of ADHD in children. The tract warns about the "hoax of ADHD."

The medical profession isn't sacrosanct. While there are serious voices that question at least the extent that these drugs are prescribed, it isn't advisable to get medical advice from a cult that teaches that psychiatric disorders are the manifestations of disembodied spirits killed by a galactic overlord named Xenu.

At the end of the pamphlet is a CYA warning: "No one should stop taking any psychiatric drug without the advice and assistance of a competent non-psychiatric medical doctor."

xenu tijuana bible

Note:  I wrote a comic book mocking Xenu and Scientology. You can read "Cocktale: A Modern Tijuana Bible" here.

The Museum of Weird and Demented Religious Tracts is a project of Les Zazous Postmodern Art Galley of Bellaire, Ohio. Read the Welcome Statement of The Museum here.

For more on the gallery, check out the web site here and the gallery's Twitter handle is @ZazousLes.  The Twitter handle for the museum is @WeirdTracts

The index of tracts for the museum's website is here

Contributions of weird tracts to the museum can be made by mail: send your weird tracts to Les Zazous Postmodern Art Gallery 3475 Guernsey Street, Bellaire, Ohio 43906.


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